Does Additional Hair Contribute to Hair Loss? + 2023

When you want to instantly add length and volume to your hair, you may want to opt for hair extensions. This is especially true if you have fine points that you want to fill in. However, are hair extensions really the best choice, or can they possibly contribute? hair loss? These are the questions we are here to answer for you today. While hair extensions are great, they are not without risk and can be really bad for your hair in some cases.

Does Additional Hair Contribute to Hair Loss?

The question on everyone’s mind right now is how something that makes your hair look so good can be bad for your hair. The answer is that it’s not necessarily the extensions themselves that are causing the problems. What can cause hair loss by damaging your hair and roots is how they are applied and how long they are worn. The first problem is that the glue that attaches the extension to your natural hair can actually strip the hair’s natural protective protein barrier. This weakens the hair and makes it more prone to breakage. The second problem is that the added weight of the extension creates a constant tension that can damage your follicles and cause your natural hair to fall out and sometimes not regrow.

Other Ways Extensions Damage Hair

Yes, we’ve determined that extensions can cause hair loss, but there are other ways they can damage your hair. The glue used to attach them can actually cause damage by peeling off the outer protective protein layer that weakens your natural hair. Combine that with the pulling action of the weight of the extensions and you have a recipe for not only hair loss but breakage as well. Clip-on extensions do a little less damage, but they still pull on your scalp.

Is There a Way to Minimize Extension-Induced Hair Loss?

If you don’t want to let go of your sources altogether, there are some things you can do to minimize the negative effects they can have on your hair. If you learn to strengthen and protect your strands and wear them correctly, you can save your resources without losing your hair. The first step is to work with your stylist to develop a hair care routine to make your hair as strong and healthy as possible. And the key to keeping it thick and healthy is to take a break from growing out your hair. Don’t wear it too long at a time, two to three months at the most, and then change your hairstyle to give your hair roots a rest for a while.

Can Welds Be Used to Hide Hair Loss?

But what if you are already suffering from hair loss? Can you use extensions to fill in and hide the fine points? You really shouldn’t. While providing a temporary “fix” in the long run, you will strain your hair follicles and make hair loss worse. There are more practical ways to combat hair loss. If you need a quick volume boost, opt for softer clip-on extensions and wear them for the special event only.

Combating Extension Induced Hair Loss

Whatever the cause of hair loss, there is no overnight solution. Patience and care are required to stimulate hair growth, but there are a few things you can do to undo some damage caused by extensions. PRP injections help strengthen the scalp and awaken and nourish hair follicles to encourage new healthy growth.

If you wear additional hair and notice that your natural hair is thinning, make a confidential and private consultation appointment at the hair transplant center. Hair Transplantation Institute. We will assess your hair and scalp health and degree of hair loss, and discuss the best available treatment options to restore your hair. Call us at 612-588-HAIR (4247) for a free consultation. You can find us in Bloomington, MN at 8030 Old Cedar Ave S Ste 202.

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