Did Kate Middleton just have a private meeting with Prince Harry and his children? +2023

Ever since the differences between the royal family ran deep, there has been unrelenting controversy. Especially around the sons of Princess Diana and her wives, countless new stories seem to appear out of nowhere. However, recent headlines about Prince Harry and Princess of Wales Kate Middleton show an interesting turn of events that no one could have ever imagined.

Regardless of their personal quarrels, the four were always affectionate towards their children. Both Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have cared for their children in times of need and celebration. As such, the bond with the youngest royals is still intact, even if their parents are on the verge of waging a war against each other.

Kate Middleton met Prince Harry and his children in a private meeting on a US trip?

As reported by The newsKate Middleton has secretly met the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, and his children. This came to light during her US ground shot to visit the past few days. The Princess of Wales had reportedly made time to meet her brother-in-law, nephew and niece despite a tight schedule. According to IBT, an insider quoted the news as confirming that The Prince has already “on board‘ to meet his favorite family member.

The source allegedly said “Regardless of what has happened to Harry and Meghan in the past, Kate was keen to visit with her children.‘ before the conclusion it was even reported that ‘At the end of the day, Harry loves Kate.So he feels the need for his children to have a chance to get closer to her from everyone in the almost estranged family.

Earlier reports had even revealed that the Duke was still in touch with the Princess of Wales despite growing differences. They reportedly communicated via text messages from time to time to learn the whereabouts of their respective families. Although the relationship with the palace has reached an impasse, both sides still have a soft corner for each other. Royals experts had even claimed Prince Harry had asked Catherine Middleton about ways he could help him reunite with his family.

ALSO READ: Is Prince Harry Trying To Connect With Kate Middleton As She Turns Down Meghan Markle’s Request?

Do you think Prince Harry and Kate Middleton met according to the claims? Do you think there is still a chance for a reconciliation between the Sussexes and Waleses? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

The post Did Kate Middleton Just Have a Private Meeting With Prince Harry and His Children? appeared first on Netflix Junkie.

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