Deodorant against heavy sweating: the 7 most effective products +2023

A deodorant against heavy sweating is not easy to find. We’ll help you find the right product so you’ll soon be stain and odor free.

Excessive sweating is not only unpleasant for oneself, but can also quickly become a burden for those around you – primarily because of the smell. Luckily, there are deodorants, even aluminum-free ones, that are effective against odors and sweat stains. Be it a spray, a roller, a stick or even a cream – the cosmetics industry has a lot to offer and we have found the best products for your needs. If you want to do without products from the pharmacy or drugstore altogether, you can also make your own deodorant. More on that later.

The test winner according to Stiftung Warentest

Stiftung Warentest regularly tests products for their suitability, including deodorants. In the current test from 2021, that could happen “Fresh Deodorant” by Sebamed fighting for the top spot among deodorants with a rating of 2.5. In the 2019 antiperspirant test, “Natural Minerals with Aloe Vera” from Lidl Cien turned out to be the test winner with a score of 2.1 – followed by Nivea “Dry Comfort” with a grade of 2.3.

Now you may be wondering where the Difference between deodorants and antiperspirants lies. Deodorants are responsible for reducing the formation of bacteria, because these are responsible for the smell of sweat, not the sweat itself. Therefore are located antibacterial substances and fragrances in deodorantsto mask the resulting odor. Aluminum salts, on the other hand, are not included, they are only found in antiperspirants. Because, as the name suggests, an antiperspirant should ensure that sweating is suppressed. That’s what they are for contained aluminum salts responsible for temporarily clogging your sweat glands. This means that sweat cannot develop in the first place, so you no longer sweat. When using a deodorant, on the other hand, sweat is still produced, but you can take action against the smell. A notice: The tests do not specifically address deodorants for heavy sweating.

Roller, spray, stick or would you prefer a cream?

Deciding whether to choose a roller, spray, stick or deodorant cream comes down to your own preference. We have selected four products for every taste that have already performed well according to customer reviews and also serve the purpose of helping with heavy sweating.

roll-on deodorant

A roll-on deodorant has many advantages. He’s small, accordingly space-saving and therefore perfect for the bag and can be used precisely. Garnier Minerals Ultra Dry antiperspirant has been known for years for its effectiveness in heavy sweating. The aluminum salts it contains are said to contain up to Protect against armpit wetness and body odor for 48 hours. The emulsion is quickly absorbed and does not leave a sticky feeling on the skin, and irritation is also very rare.


The deodorant spray is known for that absolute feeling of freshness after application. Whether after the morning shower or in between – you always feel fresher when the deodorant is applied. It is particularly practical that sprays use all over the body let and like a body crap works. The “Shower freshness” spray from Hidrofugal As a strong antiperspirant, it not only protects you from sweating, but also gives off a pleasant scent.

deodorant stick

Anyone looking for an alternative to roll-ons is well served with a deodorant stick. The texture is creamy gentle on your skin and particularly appropriate when they is irritated or generally sensitive. Aluminum salts are completely dispensed with and also the im Nivea “Fresh Natural” deodorant stick The fragrances contained do not irritate your skin.

deodorant cream

A deodorant cream is the best product in environmental terms. There is no plastic, nothing has to be sprayed and the Cream from PonyHütchen is also vegan – and still very effective. Since it is a Coconut oil based deodorant acts, are no aluminum salts included in the Handmade product, as well as no alcohol and no preservatives.

How dangerous are aluminum salts?

Until July 2020, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment was not sure whether aluminum salts actually have a negative impact on our nervous system and can therefore trigger breast cancer or Alzheimer’s. The investigations began primarily in 2001, when suspicious developments were noticed in two of the study participants. To what extent the aluminum absorbed through antiperspirants is responsible for the total aluminum content in a person’s body could not be found out in a new study 15 years later. However, the institute has now established that risk is lower than previously assumed. Even with an antiperspirant spray and the mist you inhale, the concentration is so low that it is not harmful to the human body. Therefore, according to the Federal Institute also safely uses an antiperspirant every day become.

Why does sweat even smell the way it smells?

Perspiration smell is multifaceted. It starts with the fact that the sweat of women and men smells different. Men sweat faster and more than womenbecause they have more sweat glands. On the one hand, the smell has something to do with our inner life and, on the other hand, with the bacteria on our skin. That found in greater amounts in men Testosterone works much more intensively in connection with the bacteria, which is why men’s sweat often smells stronger. The testosterone that is carried to the surface of the skin when you sweat is odorless. It’s similar for women, the smell only develops through the connection with the bacteria on our skin. It is in body regions where apocrine sweat glands are stronger. These include the armpits and the genital area. The sweat produced here is richer in nutrients and therefore has a more intense smell after contact with bacteria than the sweat in the eccrine areas like your hands or forehead.

Make your own deodorant – how it works!

Homemade products are not only found in the kitchen, but also in cosmetics. It’s not about the taste, but also about the absence of preservatives and other contents that are not good for our body. If you would like to make your own deodorant, we have a simple recipe for you that you can expand as needed. For this you need:

First you heat the water and let the cornstarch boil in it. The starch may not dissolve in warm water. If so, mix it up with a little cold water beforehand and then add the mixture to the heated water. The heat creates a creamy mass that you let cool down. Then you stir in the baking soda. Finally, you can refine the deodorant with oils. Particularly suitable for this are tea tree oil, peppermint or lavender, which have an antibacterial and soothing effect. Then you fill the mass in a cleaned deodorant container and you can use your self-made deodorant.

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