20 stylish hairstyles for long blonde hair +2023

Hairstyles for long blonde hair have always been associated with femininity, grace and elegance. Extraordinary looks, such as voluminous waves and unique braided elements are actually a privilege of long-haired women. The most weary hairstyles for women with long hair include loose updos that gather at the nape of the neck, loose curls, tight buns, … Read more

16 pixie cuts with curls photo gallery +2023

But it doesn’t just have to be the cut, you can also trick structure with color variants. With curly hair, it’s often best to cut the sides shorter, but you should always choose a cut that suits your face shape, depending on the nature of your curls. ADVERTISING

Stylingtipps & Inspirationen für halblanges Haar+2023

Mittellange Frisuren haben den großen Vorteil, dass sie vielseitig und wandelbar sind. Wer bisher dachte, dass halblanges Haar nur als Übergangsfrisur funktioniert, der irrt. Frisuren in mittellang reichen gerade so aus, um die Haare zu einer festlichen Hochsteckfrisur zu stylen, brauchen aber nicht die intensive Pflege, wie es beispielsweise bei längerem Haar der Fall ist. … Read more