Pickel entfernen: 13 einfache Tipps für reine Haut+2023

von Mareike Cämmerer und Pia Goward 15.02.2023, 11:16 12 Min. Du willst wissen, wie du deine Pickel entfernen kannst, damit du dich wieder wohler in deiner Haut fühlst? Wir haben Tipps und Tricks für dich, wie dir das gelingt.  Lästige  Pickel, Mitesser oder Akne kennt so gut wie jede:r. Meistens tauchen sie ausgerechnet dann auf, wenn man sie … Read more

This French hair washing trick will save your hairstyle +2023

Haircare French women’s hair washing trick will save your hairstyle Even a small change in how you wash your hair can make a big difference! More by Marie Mühlenberg 02/13/2023, 06:00 Whether it’s long and natural or short and stylish: French women usually have beautiful hair – also because they do one thing differently from … Read more

Double cleansing: beautiful skin with these products +2023

Thanks to the magic of Double Cleansing, we declare war on blemishes. Because the double cleaning means that blackheads no longer stand a chance. Pore-deep cleaning is not done in one step. Mild products and a double application are the minimum to achieve radiantly beautiful skin. Because too often dirt from everyday life ends up … Read more