4 Stages of Hair Growth + 2023

Every person has a different hair type, length, thickness and texture, which means that everyone’s hair grows a little differently. However, regardless of hair type, there are three different stages of hair growth and a fourth stage of shedding, through which all hair follicles go. 1. Anagen Phase Hair growth begins with the anagen or … Read more

Best Hair Renewal Techniques | Learn more + 2023

Noticing the early signs of hair loss can be shocking for some. The likelihood of thinning hair increases with age and affects millions of Americans each year. Fortunately, there are a number of hair regeneration techniques you can use to help prevent further hair loss and promote hair regrowth. Four Early Signs of Hair Thinning … Read more

National Hair Loss Awareness Month – Learn About This Common Problem + 2023

National Hair Loss Awareness Month. Male pattern baldness, alopecia, thinning hair, alarming hair loss. concept In August 2001, the American Academy of Dermatology declared National Hair Loss Awareness Month to raise awareness about this very common problem and its treatments. hair loss It is something that millions of people of all genders and ages experience. … Read more

Proven Solutions for Hair Loss + 2023

Hair loss is more common than you think. If you’re experiencing hair loss, it may seem like you’re the only one, but you’re not. At the Hair Restoration Institute, we suffer from hair loss, hair thinning and numerous problems affecting your hair. As new treatments, techniques and products come to market, we ensure that they … Read more