Best Supplements to Prevent Hair Loss + 2023

While fighting against hair loss, some lose handfuls of hair while others only lose a few strands here and there. Whatever your situation, watching your hairline gradually thin out can be a distressing experience.

There is good news though. Some supplements can help fight hair loss and keep your hair and scalp healthy. By adding certain nutrients to your diet, you can have thicker and healthier hair even if hair loss symptoms have started.

While there are no guarantees (and treatment does not automatically mean a cure), the following best supplements for hair loss. These are common hair growth vitamins and minerals are generally safe, well tolerated and worth considering if you are dealing with the effects of hereditary or age-related hair loss.


Biotin is one of the most common hair supplements on the market. Biotin supplements increase the strength and thickness of hair, which helps fight breakage. These supplements can also increase hair growth by stimulating the production of keratin.

this adequate intake level for biotin about 30 micrograms per day for adults. You can increase your biotin intake through food or supplements. Biotin-rich foods include eggs, salmon, avocado, sweet potatoes, and pork. Talk to your doctor if you want to take biotin supplements, as they can affect some medications.


Thiamine (also spelled “thiamine”) is vitamin B1. It was the first B complex discovered and one of the most important. Thiamine is an antioxidant that helps reduce blood vessel constriction and improves blood flow. This is one best supplements for hair loss because it helps to keep them young and healthy by increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles.

Thiamine deficiency has been associated with dry, brittle hair and even hair loss. Therefore, it is important to get plenty of this essential nutrient. This hair growth vitamin It can be found in many hair masks, hair serums, and other treatments for its well-known benefits. It also includes fish, pork, beans, green beans, fortified breakfast cereals, yogurt and sunflower seeds.

The recommended daily intake of thiamine is 1.2 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women (1.4 mg for pregnant and lactating women).


Capsules pouring out of jar

Iron is another nutrient that can significantly improve hair.alt. iron deficiency It is a common cause of hair loss because this mineral is essential for cellular respiration. When iron levels are too low, hair cells do not receive enough oxygen to produce energy and function properly.

iron is one of them best supplements for hair loss because it supports healthy cellular function. Foods high in iron include red meat, spinach, pumpkin seeds and shellfish. The recommended daily iron intake is 19.3–20.5 mg/day for men and 17.0–18.9 mg/day for women.

C vitamin

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help prevent hair follicle damage. One of the best known and most studied hair growth vitamins, Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron and stimulates collagen production, which is an important part of hair structure.

Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, capsicum, broccoli, and tomatoes. adults we aim 65-90 milligrams of vitamin per day C. Do not take more than the recommended dose as it may cause side effects such as stomach cramps and kidney stones.


Among the turmeric best supplements for hair loss because it has been shown to promote hair growth. Its natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help maintain a healthy scalp. Additionally, curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, helps prevent the overproduction of DHT, a hormone associated with the prevention of new hair growth.

Turmeric is easy to find in supplement form and is also one of the main ingredients in curry powder. About 500 mg of turmeric daily is generally considered an adequate intake. Add turmeric to milk, soup, or scrambled eggs to increase your intake and reap its health benefits.


Pile of white pills

Zinc helps stimulate collagen production. This, in turn, helps the body produce an essential protein called keratin. Keratin strengthens your hair and makes it more flexible. This helps prevent damage and breakage when brushing or styling.

Foods high in zinc include oysters, beef liver, pumpkin seeds, cashews, chicken breast (skin removed), and shrimp.. Recommended daily intake for zinc 11th milligrams per day for adult men and eight milligrams per day for women (over 19).

linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. and has been shown to prevent hair loss. The average daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids should be about one gram per day in the form of oily fish or flaxseed oil supplements. You can get similar benefits from other omega-3-rich foods like chia seeds, salmon, and mackerel.


like many best supplements for hair lossSelenium works largely because of its antioxidant effects. It prevents inflammation by minimizing oxidative stress in your cells, which is essential for promoting hair growth.

Additionally, the thyroid gland is also important for promoting hair growth, and selenium has been shown to support healthy thyroid function. Selenium can be found in a number of popular foods, including fortified pasta, pinto beans, brown rice, seeds, oatmeal, green vegetables, and mushrooms (especially shiitake mushrooms).

The general recommended intake for adults is 55 micrograms each day, but pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to consume 60 to 70 micrograms, respectively.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements in a glass bowl

Vitamin D is another one of them. best supplements for hair loss. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with brittle hair that makes it more prone to breakage. Fortunately, restoring vitamin D levels in your body is easy. You can increase your vitamin D levels through food, supplements, and sun exposure.

Foods high in vitamin D include milk, yogurt, salmon, tuna, and eggs. If you choose to take supplements, aim for 20 mcg or (800 IU) per day. To get free vitamin D, expose your skin to sunlight for 10-30 minutes a day at noon.


Tocotrienols, a type of vitamin E, have been shown to reduce hair loss when combined with other nutrients. Strong antioxidant activity, tocotrienols Helps reduce oxidative stress and lipid degradation in the scalp. This reduces the damage to the hair follicles.

Vitamin E can be found in many foods and is widely available as a supplement. Foods high in vitamin E include sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, and vegetable oils such as olive and canola oil. The adequate intake level of vitamin E for adults is about 15 milligrams per day.

Multiple Supplements

A capsule on a green surface

The nutrients on this list are most effective when combined. when we talk about hair growth vitaminsminerals and nutraceuticals, different ingredients address different aspects of hair loss.

Therefore, we recommend using a full hair supplement for optimum results. Quantum-V1 Hair Health Nutraceutical. opento best supplements for hair loss because it’s doctor-formulated with many healthy hair ingredients on this list, including vitamin C, vitamin D, biotin, zinc, turmeric root, and more.

Each nutrient works to help you achieve thicker, healthier hair. Take two capsules daily to reap all its benefits.

When? Best Supplements for Hair Loss Not enough?

Sometimes, supplements alone are not enough to prevent hair loss and regrow your hair. If you do not see results after six months of daily supplement use, you may want to try alternative solutions such as minoxidil or minoxidil. low level laser therapy.

Like nutritional supplements, low-level laser therapy is an all-natural treatment for hair loss that does not contain drugs or other chemicals and has been proven effective in both men and women. There are a number of low-level laser devices on the market, including The Original LaserCap, which is currently the most powerful device available. learn more about How does LaserCap work? and get yourself one today start to regain your natural hair.

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