Hairy Beauty Foods
Foods that can help against hair loss

© nadianb / Shutterstock
Hair loss can have very different causes. Eating a balanced diet definitely supports hair growth. Therefore, these foods should end up on your plate regularly.
We lose up to 100 hairs a day – that’s completely natural. But if it is more than that, from a medical point of view one speaks of hair loss.
The triggers for this can be very different: The genes can be behind it, hormonal changes – for example during menopause – but also stress and an unhealthy diet. We can influence the latter two factors ourselves. However, if you have been suffering from hair loss over a longer period of time, it is best to speak to your doctor.
In any case, it makes sense to take a closer look at your diet. Because in order for your hair to grow strong and healthy and not break, it needs some vitamins and nutrients in particular. Zinc, iron, various proteins and vitamins A, B and C are important. You should therefore regularly include the following foods in your diet.
These 4 foods can help against hair loss
1. Spinach
Even Popeye knew how healthy spinach is. The green leafy vegetables are packed with iron and vitamins A and C, all of which are important for a variety of processes in the body. Hair growth is one of them. Iron in particular plays a major role, because one study was able to prove that iron deficiency can result in hair loss. If you want to strengthen your hair, you should eat spinach as often as possible.
2. Oily fish like mackerel + salmon
High-fat fish species are very good sources of the super-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. According to a scientific study A sufficient supply of these fatty acids can counteract hair loss and thicken the hair. Salmon and mackerel, for example, are very fatty and therefore particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
3. Eggs
Proteins also play a major role in healthy hair growth. Eggs are therefore the perfect beauty food for hair because they are a good source of protein. They’re also high in selenium, zinc, and biotin, all of which contribute to healthy hair. Above all biotin is very important because our body needs the vitamin to make keratin – a fibrous protein that gives our hair structure and makes it nice and elastic.
4. Soy products
You should also eat soy-based foods frequently if you want to counteract hair loss. Because soy proteins, especially those from fermented products such as soy yoghurt, miso or tempeh, rain loudly studies the hair growth. In addition, these foods are better tolerated than non-fermented foods made from soy, such as tofu or soy milk.
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