Awe-inspiring Author Tattoos – Tattoo Ideas, Artists and Models +2023

From famous literary legends to child comforters, spicy romance writers who feed your guilty pleasures, or poets whose words linger in your memory long after your high school English lessons, authors have had a lasting impact on you in one way or another.

Since the time of the first author – supposedly Enheduanna, a princess, priestess and poetess from Mesopotamia of the year 2300 BC. – an unimaginable number of authors have shaped the course of literature and history. Many novels have persuaded entire populations to demand change in the world, from criticizing capitalist evils in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle to exposing the dangers of totalitarianism in George Orwell’s 1984. Writers often have the unenviable task of exposing societal ills that are too disturbing and complex for most people to put into words.

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