Another dimension: how to determine how smart you are +2023

The idea evolved over the boundaries, and in 1912 the German psychologist William Stern developed a format similar to what we now call an IQ test, taking 19th-century problems and puzzles as a basis and combining them with his system of studying child psychology. Initially, the test was conceived as a tool for assessing the mental potential of a child, but over time it has been adapted for adults. The Briton Hans Eysenck is responsible for popularizing the method, who developed a version of the IQ test in the 1940s, which is still used all over the world.

Why are we? In addition to the fact that the modern world continues to measure cognitive ability in a “linear” way, we still use the standards of the 1940s to measure the human mind. But a heavy reputation and lack of competition work wonders – the term and the idea are so ingrained in the information space that we still believe in IQ authority.


The average IQ value is considered to be 100 points – 50% of people have an IQ in the range from 90 to 110. A result below 70 allegedly indicates problems in development (2% of the world’s population). About 7% are endowed with high intelligence from 120 to 130 points, and another 2% are behind the genius scale, which varies from 135 to 160.

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