After Tungsten, Royal Author reveals how Royal Staff came up with a rude nickname for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry +2023

Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left their royal base in the UK and moved to the United States, the controversy that has erupted has been countless. While many of them are demanding that they relinquish their remaining titles, others have accused them of treason. However, those left in tatters under the media fiasco were the reaction of those in power. The Buckingham monarchy reportedly did not welcome the move by the self-exiled couple.

Although their official press release stated that they give the couple their full support, in reality none of that happened. In fact, the Sussexes were completely indifferent to the senior members of the royal family. And as if condemning them wasn’t enough, it’s been reported that the current royals even came up with a rude nickname for both of them.

The Royal Associates came up with a different name to address Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

That mailplus on Sunday made a serious revelation from an excerpt from the book Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait. It revealed some cheeky names assigned to Harry and Meghan. It’s said whenever a topic of discussion about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arises, courtiers often don’t seem to respect the duo. They usually “shrug and change the subject‘ or refer to them as ‘people living abroad“.

Official staff aside, even the Sovereigns never bore any particular resemblance to the Sussexes. More information from the novel reveals that the royals often repeat their statements about the couple. It is always a congratulations for their future and nothing else. Before the media, however, the family has always reunited to cover up rifts between the families.

ALSO READ: How Harry and Meghan’s choice of name Lilibet Diana was frowned upon by the monarchy, royal author reveals

For example, after the sad death of the late Queen, the Sussexes rushed to the palace to be with the family in times of grief and heartache. These revelations come amid the spiraling controversy surrounding Prince Harry’s upcoming memoir, Spare. Its editor-in-chief has made it clear that there will be no deliberate attacks on the sovereign. However, it is totallybe raw and totally unabashed‘ for the readers. It is eagerly awaited to find its own way in the royal family.

What do you think of the royals’ reactions to the royal family?

The post After Tungsten, Royal Author Reveals how Royal Staff Have a Rude Nickname For Meghan Markle and Prince Harry appeared first on Netflix Junkie.

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