25 phrases for mom that will help you tell her everything you feel for her +2023

If you have a mother who would be capable of giving everything for you, surely you have ever wondered what you can write to her. Saying something nice to your mom is not easybecause there are many emotions that you can feel, but today we are going to try to help you solve this.

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Here we have some phrases to say to your mom that They will help you define what a mother is in short sentencesto remind that brave woman of everything you feel for her.

Phrases for a mother of heart

The most beautiful words that can be dedicated to a mother are those that They describe her as a fighting woman, that thank you for everything and that come from the heart. So if you have a mother for whom you would give everything, these phrases are for you.

mother of heart phrases
  • A mother’s love does not understand the impossible.
  • There is no one in the world who loves me like you do, mom.
  • Mom, thank you for giving me wings and launching me into the world to fly.
  • The M for wonderful, the A for love, the D for dedication, the R for responsibility, the E for special.
  • Happiness is seeing you smile mom.
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Phrases to make a mother cry

Expressing your feelings to your mother is not easy. It is not easy to find the words to say to a mother or to write something nice to your mother. But if you’ve ever wondered what makes that special woman cry, here’s the answer: all your love.

to make a mother cry
  • Mom, you are synonymous with limitless love in my life.
  • Mother, your love is truly blind, because you began to love me before you saw what I was like.
  • My mom is that heroine who has never been on TV; the doctor who has never worked in a hospital and the lawyer who has always been my advocate.
  • “Mom, you raised us with humor and made us understand that not everything was going to be wonderful, but you taught us how to laugh about it.” Liza Miniellie
  • Mother’s love is the impulse that allows a human being to reach the impossible.

Exciting phrases for mothers

Are you looking for a few words to dedicate to a mother? It is not easy to describe an exemplary mother or find the right phrases to say to a fighting motherbut if you are looking to write something nice for mom, here are the perfect phrases for her:

exciting phrase for mothers
  • There are many wonders in the universe; but the masterpiece of creation is a mother’s heart.
  • To the world you are just a mother, but to me you are my world.
  • Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever.
  • Mothers are the brightest star in the firmament.
  • “A mother’s love is PEACE. It doesn’t need to be earned, it doesn’t need to be deserved.” Erich Fromm
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Short phrases for your mother

Saying something nice to your mom is not easy, especially when there is so much to tell him about how you feel. That is why a good option is to find a beautiful phrase about what it means to be a mother. These, for example, are perfect if you are thinking about what to write to a mother.

short phrases mother

  • A mother’s heart is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
  • Mothers don’t just guide us to practice, they guide us to greatness.
  • I look more and more like my mother. And she couldn’t be more proud.
  • Unconditional love is not a myth: you can see it every day in mothers.
  • The word MOM is a verb. It is something you do, not something you are.
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Phrases for a fighting mother

have you ever wondered how to describe a fighting and warrior mother? It is not easy to find the perfect words to dedicate to a mother like this, but we are going to try to help you with these phrases.

fighting mother phrases
  • My mom taught me to fight.
  • My mother’s courage is the engine that drives me every morning.
  • My best teacher has always been you.
  • If when I grow up I can become half the mother that you have been, I will be satisfied.
  • I would be unable to understand beauty and goodness without you, mom; I owe you everything.
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