Air dry hair: You should avoid these mistakes +2023

Frizz & split ends
Drying hair in the air – we almost all make these mistakes!

Air drying is not just air drying: If you do it right, however, you can look forward to a beautiful result!


Wash hair, wait – done? Even if you save yourself the blow-drying work when air drying your hair, you should definitely pay attention to a few things – you can find out what they are in the video.

It could be so easy to jump into the shower and into bed – and look forward to freshly washed hair in the morning. But especially if you have longer hair, this is usually a big mistake. Because although “air drying” sounds so simple, you can do a lot wrong. And so afterwards you usually have more work to save the hairstyle just because you didn’t blow-dry it. But that doesn’t have to be the case, because if you avoid these typical five mistakes, your hair will also be perfect when air-dried! In the video you will learn what you should definitely pay attention to.


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