Recipe for repápalos from Extremadura, an easy dish from the grandmother to take advantage of stale bread +2023

This is a very personal recipe from the team of experts at Direct to the palate, since it is among the repertoire of meals of use that Carmen’s grandmother Tía Alia used to fight so well. She though she was never lucky enough to eat her review them Extremadura, the recipe was preserved through her mother and today she prepares them following the family formula. In addition, her grandmother added some fried potato cubes with which she rounded off this ideal dish to serve as a second at mealtime.

Olot potatoes, the recipe for stuffed potatoes that are crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside

We start with the sauce in which, later, we will cook the repápalos. To do this, peel and finely chop the onion and sauté it in a casserole in a couple of tablespoons of oil. When it is translucent, add the wine and, over high heat, let evaporate.

Then we add the flour and stir for a couple of minutes to toast. Add the paprika and stir. Immediately after, we water with the broth, salt to taste and let it simmer for 10-12 minutes.

While the sauce boils, prepare the repápalos dough. To do this, grate or finely chop the garlic cloves and also the fresh parsley (but only the leaves). We beat the eggs and mix everything in a deep and large container, salting the whole.

Repápalos Extremadura

Chop the crumb or roughly grate it and add it to the previous mixture. We work all the ingredients until homogenized. We may need to add milk, but we will do it little by little until it reaches a consistency similar to that of the dough of croquettes.

In the next step, we place small portions of the dough in a pan with plenty of hot oil. We turn so that they are browned on all sides before removing, draining well. We introduce them into the casserole with the sauce and bring them to a gentle boil for five minutes before serving.

Set of 3 cast aluminum pans Daily Bra

Set of 3 cast aluminum pans Daily Bra

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Photos | Direct to the palate

In Jared | Real bread: 15 artisan bakeries in Madrid where you can buy it

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