7 Proven Tips for Men to Prevent Hair Loss + 2023

Hair loss is a common problem among men. More than 85% will experience thinning of their hair before the age of 50. Going bald can be a source of insecurity and embarrassment for many men. While you can’t completely prevent hair loss, there are treatments that can help keep your hair full for as long as possible.

Thanks to advances in medicine and technology, modern hair loss treatments can not only slow hair loss but also regrow some of your hair. Below, we’ll give you seven tips for preventing hair loss for men that have proven to work. Follow these tips to reduce hair fall and maintain your crowning glory.

1- Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet

Like all other tissues in your body, hair follicles need certain nutrients to produce strong and healthy hair. Your hair is formed contains mostly protein (keratin), small amounts of lipids and water. Protein provides strength and structure, while water and lipids keep your hair moist and supple. Hair follicles are also complex miniature organs that need consistent and balanced levels of nutrients to do their job properly, namely to grow hair.

Low-calorie or otherwise highly restrictive diets can cause hair loss due to the lack of proteins and other vital macronutrients that provide energy to the hair follicles. Studies have found that protein malnutrition It can cause changes in your hair such as thinning hair and hair loss. Deficiencies in other important micronutrients such as Iron, Zinc and Vitamin D can also contribute to hair loss.

Below are some healthy eating tips to prevent hair loss in men:

  • Stay hydrated! Experts recommend drinking 15.5 glasses (3.7 liters) of pure water per day.
  • Be sure to include lean protein and healthy fats in your diet to reduce hair loss. Eat more nuts, fatty fish, and vegetable oils such as olive, flaxseed, and avocado oil.
  • Consume five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Aim for different colored fruits and vegetables, as each has unique phytonutrients that are beneficial for health.
  • Cut down on refined carbohydrates and sugar. They can promote inflammation and accelerate hair thinning by damaging your hair follicles.

2- Take Nutritional Supplements

It is common to eat a balanced diet but still lack certain nutrients. More than 31% of the US population has at least one nutrient deficiency. Some nutrient deficiencies can cause hair loss. A study of men male pattern baldness had lower zinc levels In another study, rats than subjects with fuller hair Vitamin D deficiency causes hair loss.

Most people can benefit from taking a daily health supplement. The supplements are formulated with optimal amounts of essential micronutrients vital for health and hair loss reduction. With so many products on the market, how can you choose the best supplement to prevent hair loss in men? Here are a few key nutrients to look for on the supplement label:

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • biotin
  • niacin
  • Vitamin D

3- Reduce Your Stress

a thinking man

You probably already know that stress is bad for your health. But did you know that stress can also cause hair loss? In a study conducted by Harvard University, researchers stress hormones cause hair loss by disrupting hair stem cell activity, deactivating hair follicles, slowing follicle regeneration and reducing hair growth.

Despite its ill effects, stress is a natural part of life and cannot be avoided. But there are ways to keep it under control. there are a few stress relief techniques this can calm your mind and help prevent hair loss in men. Use these tips to control your stress and reduce hair loss:

  • Exercise ⏤ Exercising releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that increase feelings of well-being. Physical activity also distracts you from the source of stress and improves sleep quality, which is crucial for reducing anxiety.
  • Meditation ⏤ Meditation relaxes your body and mind and frees you from stressful thoughts. Try mindful meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and deep breathing exercises to find a technique that works for you.
  • Hang out ⏤ Spend more time with family and friends to take your mind off the things that stress you out. Social contact provides a supportive environment, distracts you from stressful thoughts, and helps relieve your mental load.

4- Avoid Hairstyles That Pull Hair

Braids, rasta braids, and man buns may look cool, but they contribute to hair loss when worn too often. Tight hairstyles pull hair follicles and pull your hair out. This is a form of hair loss known as traction alopeciacan cause thinning of the hair around your temples. Wearing tight hairstyles for long periods of time can permanently destroy hair follicles by causing them to develop scar tissue.

Traction alopecia is treatable when caught early. One of the best ways to prevent hair loss for men is to use loose hairstyles. Fortunately, there are many popular men’s hairstyles, both loose and short. To reduce hair loss, ask your stylist about loose styling options and try a few to find your new favorite look.

5- Avoid Chemical Hair Treatments

Chemical hair treatments such as dyes, perms and relaxers are becoming more and more popular with men. It helps men to create various styles and looks and look well-groomed. While they improve your appearance, they can damage your hair in the long run. It is very important to avoid chemical hair treatments to prevent hair loss in men.

Treatments that permanently alter the structure or color of your hair often contain harsh chemicals that can damage hair follicles. When follicles are damaged, they cannot grow new, healthy hair. This can lead to thinning of your hair over time and premature hair loss. If you must use chemical hair treatments, keep them away from your scalp to reduce hair loss.

6- Apply minoxidil

A man applying serum to his hand

Minoxidil is a popular treatment for reversing hair loss, but it can also be used as a men’s hair loss prevention strategy. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is an FDA-approved medication used to treat androgenetic alopecia, or hereditary hair loss. This drug is a vasodilator. It dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the scalp, increasing the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles.

Minoxidil is available in two forms: liquid and foam. Both forms are applied to the scalp to slow hair loss or regrow hair. Inside one year education84% of users treated with minoxidil rated the drug as very effective, effective or moderately effective for reducing hair loss and regrowth.

7- Use LLLT

Another FDA-approved hair loss prevention treatment for men is low-level laser therapy (LLLT). LLLT uses low-intensity red laser light to reduce hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. When applied to the scalp, the stem cells of the hair follicles absorb this light energy. This energizes the cells of the hair follicles, enabling them to perform cellular respiration more efficiently.

With enhanced cellular activity and biochemical interactions, your hair follicles spend more time in the growth phase of the hair cycle. This reduces hair loss and helps you grow thicker, longer hair. Various studies have shown that LLLT is beneficial for reducing hair loss. Inside A recent review of 15 clinical studiesLLLT was found to be highly effective for improving hair density in men.

There are different types of LLLT devices such as laser combs, laser caps and helmets that you can use at home to prevent hair loss. LLLT devices offer a drug-free, non-invasive and convenient way to preserve the entire hair for as long as possible.

Prevent Hair Loss with LaserCap

Thinning hair is inevitable with age. But for men, there are many hair loss prevention strategies you can implement to slow down the process and keep as much hair as possible. If you are looking for a safe and easy way to reduce hair loss, Original LaserCap can help. LaserCap is an FDA-approved LLLT device clinically proven to fight hair loss in both men and women.

The LaserCap is lightweight, portable and discreet and designed to fit inside your favorite helmet. Place it under your hat and wear it at home or on the go, as the prescription-strength light energy works to stimulate hair growth. Use the original LaserCap for just 30 minutes every other day and you can have fuller hair in four to six months.

Get your LaserCap today to restore your hair with the regenerative power of light!

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