Risk of injury!
3 beauty treatments you shouldn’t do at home

© Aleksandra Jankovic/Stocksy / Adobe Stock
There are a number of beauty treatments that you can easily do yourself at home. But beware: you should rather keep your hands off some of them. We’ll tell you what they are.
Sure, it’s great to be pampered by the beautician and to feel fresh and beautiful afterwards. After all, good professionals know exactly what needs to be done and can treat us with the best and latest treatments. Unfortunately, this costs time and, above all, a lot of money. Both are perhaps not always available in sufficient quantities and so you can certainly carry out some treatments at home. Peelings, face masks and applications with pore cleansers – all of these work well. But you should rather keep your hands off certain beauty treatments at home.
1. Remove pimples and blackheads
It is certainly not a problem to get rid of a pimple that is about to break out anyway. However, you should not think that you can do a whole facial for problem skin, including removing blackheads and pimples, without any problems. The exact opposite usually happens here: The areas that we wanted to have clean and clean again are suddenly really inflamed and red. So: It is better to leave this treatment to a professional so that your skin looks beautiful again in the long term.
2. Inject filler yourself
You never came up with the idea yourself? Good for you! Because you shouldn’t do that either. Nevertheless, one hears again and again from brave people who think they could just inject themselves with a filler. The web is full of reports about it. Self-experiments with hyaluronic injections should definitely be left to a professional. After all, there is training for this. A lot can go wrong with the injection. Bruises, blocked blood vessels and results that just look bad. An absolute no-go!
3. Microneedling
With microneedling, the skin is treated with microfine, electrically driven needles of different lengths, creating small puncture channels in the epidermis. During the subsequent healing process, the skin is said to produce additional collagen and elastane, making it firmer and more radiant. You can now buy so-called derma rollers for use at home in order to carry out this treatment yourself. However, even this attempt can backfire. Here, too, there are numerous reports on the Internet about self-experiments in which those who are keen to experiment have contracted bloody patches of skin and inflammation. Often the reason is that the equipment used is wrong, but the application should also be learned. Therefore: Here, too, it is better to let the specialist do the work.