20 easy and delicious recipes +2023

Cold, hot, forceful, light, to chop, spoon, traditional or modern. Broadly speaking, these are the most frequent categories of first courses for Christmas. There are several factors that will come into play in this choice in order to achieve a balanced and rich menu.

When choosing which first courses you will cook, the budget you have will be decisive, the number of diners, if there is someone allergic or if you are interested in preparing it in advance so as not to be overwhelmed that day. We have prepared a very complete selection with all kinds of recipes so that you can find, yes or yes, the first Christmas dishes that will make you succeed this holiday season.

100 Christmas recipes to surprise (sorted by type)

What is served first at Christmas dinner?

Whether at Christmas Eve dinner or Christmas lunch, in many houses there is the custom of serving first some special appetizers with the presence of ingredients as delicious as smoked salmon. Subsequently, and taking into account that it is cold season, always a bouillon or soup dressed for the occasion is appreciatedfor example with a puff pastry figure.

  • It is important to present a menu conscientiously thought both to avoid unbalancing your budget and not to waste food. In case you’re wondering, yes, it’s possible. save on christmas.
  • if you are going to put many Christmas appetizers or starters, dispenses with the first and offers a strong second such as pularda, capon, or meat with sauce and garnish.
  • We know it’s hard to resist christmas canapes based on prawns with different sauces, toasts of smoked salmon or baby eels with garlic are good starters and hardly need preparation.
  • If you prefer to save the starters and offer a first course directly, look for options that fill such as puff pastry or salmon cakes. They are delicious, they are easy to make, they are very attractive and you can prepare them in advance.
  • Salads aren’t just for summer. In fact, there are a lot of Christmas salads perfect to counter the heavier seconds. Of course, take great care in the presentation so that they look as they deserve.
  • Lasagna and cannelloni with some sauce or most special ingredientsuch as aubergine, salmon, mushrooms or truffles, are also very well received.

What foods are eaten for Christmas?

At Christmas we put on our best clothes, and not only when choosing our looks. House and kitchen also give off Christmas spirit on all four sides. Although we also like today’s more casual menus, we generally tend to choose traditional menus because they never fail and they are very endearing.

  • The christmas soups They are a classic of our celebrations. Conches (or galets), fish, red cabbage or meatballs are a perfect dish to warm up.
  • creams as delicious as boletus, shellfish or Vichyssoise They are also part of those classics that will make you look great without complicating your life too much.
  • family traditions or place of birth they also influence when choosing the Christmas menu. The Andalusian stew, the Catalan escudella, the garlic soup from Castilla La Mancha or the Balearic almond cream, to name a few, are good examples of this.
  • In addition to shellfish, among most chosen second courses we find suckling pig, lamb, ternasco, pularda, capon, sea bream or sea bass that become the icing on the cake before the Christmas desserts.
Christmas cookies: 20 easy and original recipes

Below we show you one selection with first courses both “lifelong” and more current in case you want to innovate. Of course, all quite easy and affordable.

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