Have you ever wondered what is the most famous phrase in the world? The most famous phrases are those that remain in our memory forever, passing from generation to generation by oral transmission or being recorded forever in books, essays and speeches. They are those that motivate, that never go out of style and that hide a really valuable message.
Although there are some highly recognizable, surely many of the famous phrases that we are going to bring you today are unknown to you. And that must be fixed as soon as possible, because they are words that you must hear at least once in your life.
famous phrases about life
The best phrase in life is also the wisest. But I would not know how to choose between all the ones that I leave below, because all of them contain deep reflections that motivate you and make you enjoy life. They are ideal to put them on your profile if you want to convey something important to your followers on any social network.

- “Not being dead is not being alive” EE Cummings
- “I do not fear death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” Woody Allen
- “Growing up is losing certain illusions, to be able to embrace others.” Virginia Woolf
- “Good friends, good books and a clear conscience: this is the ideal life.” Mark Twain
- “Any fool can know. The key is to understand.” Albert Einstein
- “Do not count the days make the days count.” muhamed ali
- “There is no more deluded and fanatical passion than hate.” George Gordon
- “The only way to get out of the maze of suffering is to forgive.” John Green
- “In the end, what matters is not the years of life, but the life of the years.” Abraham Lincoln
- “Life is what happens to you while you insist on making other plans.” John Lennon
- “Life is a play that does not matter how long it has lasted, but how well it has been represented.” seneca
- “I learned that you cannot go backwards, that the essence of life is to go forward. Life, really, is a one-way street.” Christie Agatha
- “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” Virginia Woolf
- “Happiness does not spring from reason, but from the imagination.” Immanuel Kant
- “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.” Jimi Hendrix
- “You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only option you have left.” Bob Marley
- “Life is a movie that starts over every morning when we wake up. Forget about your mistakes, every day you have a new opportunity to succeed and achieve happiness. norkin gilbert
- “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” Zig Ziglar
- “The most difficult victory is the victory over oneself.” Aristotle
- “Life is an opportunity, take advantage of it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, achieve it. Life is a challenge, face it. Life is a game, play it.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta
short famous phrases
The most famous phrases are sometimes the shortest. Among the ones that I leave below, you will surely find one that will become the best phrase in life for you. They are all short, but I promise you that they will motivate you.

- “Intelligence is not wisdom.” Euripides
- “Self conquest is the greatest of victories.” Plato
- “Only those who fight live.” Victor Hugo
- “Sex relieves tension and love causes it.” Woody Allen
- “When you lose, do not lose the lesson.” Dalai Lama
- “I only know that I know nothing.” Socrates
- “Better late than never.” lebanius
- “The greater the trial, the more glorious the triumph.” William Shakespeare
- “A cruel truth is better than a pleasant illusion.” Edward Abbey
- “What doesn’t kill me, feeds me.” Frida Kahlo
- “If the mountain does not come to you, go to the mountain.” Muhammad
- “Whatever you do, do it well.” Abraham Lincoln
- “The art of winning is learned in defeat.” Simon Bolivar
- “The one who has little is not poor, but the one who needs a lot.” seneca
- “Think, Dream, Believe and Dare.” walt disney
- “Life is the best thing ever invented.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- “The value of an idea lies in its use.” thomas edison
- “Living well is better than living.” Aristotle
- “If you don’t lose, you can’t enjoy the victories.” Rafael Nadal
- “The sweetest life is to think of nothing.” sophocles
Famous phrases from The Little Prince
Do you know what the most famous phrase of The little Prince? There are many phrases in this book that will make you love literature, reflect on life, love and much more. So if you want to know what she loves the most The little Prince or what he said about love, keep reading. Surely among these options you will find your favorite.

- “All the big people have been kids before. (But few remember it).” The little Prince
- “The little prince, who asked me many questions, never seemed to hear mine.” The little Prince
- “It is sad to forget a friend. Not everyone has had one.” The little Prince
- “If you want to understand the word happiness, you have to understand it as a reward and not as an end.” The little Prince
- “Make your life a dream, and your dream a reality.” The little Prince
- “Here is my secret. It’s very simple: it doesn’t look good except with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.” The little Prince
- “The beauty of the desert is that somewhere it hides a well.” The little Prince
- “The time you lost for your rose makes your rose so important.” The little Prince
- “Love does not consist in looking at the other, but in looking together in the same direction.” The little Prince
- “I wonder if the stars light up so that one day everyone can find their own.” The little Prince
- “The whole world turns away when it sees a man who knows where he’s going go by.” The little Prince
- “It only looks good with the heart; The essential is invisible to the eyes.” The little Prince
- “If you want to build a ship, don’t start by looking for wood, cutting boards or distributing the work. It first evokes in men and women the longing for the free and wide sea”. The little Prince
- “If you come, for example, at four in the afternoon, I will start to be happy from three.” The little Prince
- “The first love is loved more, the rest is loved better.” The little Prince
- “You and only you will have stars that know how to laugh!” The little Prince
- “I should have judged her by her actions and not by her words” The Little Prince
- “Failure fortifies the strong.” The little Prince
- “The essential is invisible to the eyes.” The little Prince
- “If you manage to judge yourself well, you are a true sage.” The little Prince
famous phrases of love
Love is the engine that moves the world, and therefore it is not surprising that many of the famous phrases that we can find reflections on what love is. Even the great Shakespeare left us incredible quotes about love. Shorter, longer, but all of them perfect to dedicate. Here you have the best famous phrases of love.

- “Love, blind as it is, prevents lovers from seeing the funny foolish things they do.” William Shakespeare
- “Love is: the pain of living far from being loved.” Anonymous
- “Come sleep with me: we won’t make love, he will.” Julio Cortazar
- “Love is as important as food.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- “There are kisses that leave traces on the lips like a field of sun between two pieces of ice.” Gabriela Mistral
- “Love has no cure, but it is the only cure for all ills.” Leonard Cohen
- “I will be nobody’s, only you. Until my bones turn to ash and my heart stops beating.” Pablo Neruda
- I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees. Pablo Neruda
- “The love of young people is truly not in their hearts, but rather in their eyes.” William Shakespeare
- “You are my everything, my most, my always.” Danns Vega
- “Where there is no love, put love and you will find love.” Saint John of the Cross
- “The strongest love is the one that can show its fragility.” Paulo Coelho
- “You learn to love by loving.” Saint Francis de Sales
- “Love is so short and oblivion is so long.” Pablo Neruda
- “Love is a flower that you must let grow.” John Lennon
- Thinking of my happiness, I remembered you.
- “The happiness that is lived derives from the love that is given.” Isabel Allende
- “The worst way to miss someone is to sit next to them and know you can never have them.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- “Love is the poetry of the senses.” Honore de Balzac.
- “Love is the longing to get out of oneself.” Charles Baudelaire
famous phrases of women
There are great women in history who have left behind great messages. So if you don’t know what to say about women or you are looking for some words to help you define what it is to be a woman, here are phrases said by empowered women that you are going to love.

- “Life is short: smile at those who cry, ignore those who criticize you, and be happy with those who matter to you.” marilyn monroe
- “All that matters are those friends you call at 4 in the morning.” Marlene Dietrich
- “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says it:” I can do it “.” audrey hepburn
- “We are not born as a woman, but we become one.” Simone de Beavoir
- “I paint myself because I am the person I know best” Frida Kahlo
- “You cannot hope to build a better world without improving people. Each one of us must work for his own improvement.” Marie Curie
- “It is our decisions that show who we really are, more than our abilities.” JK Rowling
- “The body is made to be seen, not to be covered” Marilyn Monroe
- “The happiest days are those that make us wise.” Gabriela Mistral
- “Independence is happiness.” Susan B Anthony
- “We must tell our young women that their voices are important.” Malala Yousafzai
- “There is nothing more beautiful than laughter.” Frida Kahlo
- “Love is the difficult discovery that there is something beyond oneself that is real.” Iris Murdock
- “A man’s fantasy is a woman’s best weapon.” Sophia Loren
- “People looked at me as if I were a mirror.” marilyn monroe
- “Fate is a word we use to look back at choices with dramatic consequences.” JK Rowling
- “There is no charm that can be compared to the tenderness of the heart.” Jane Austen
- “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Helen Keller
- “When we can’t keep dreaming, we die.” Emma Goldmann
- “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” Virginia Woolf