10 Things You Should Know Before Coloring Your Hair +2023

Sometimes not being able to see the result we want when we go to the hairdressers, sometimes the hairdressers do not understand the ‘different’ colors we want, and now we are not very keen on going to the hairdressers due to the corona virus may have pushed us to dye our hair at home. As someone who has been dyeing their hair at home for a long time and had their own hair cut just last week, I would like to give a few advices, so that I can ensure that you do not make some mistakes I have made, but before I forget, there is one thing I want to remind you; I am a certified hairdresser etc. I’m not sure, I tried most of the tips I’ll write here myself and I’m sharing it because I saw that it worked. If you think your hair is too weak and cannot handle the bleaching or dyeing process, please go to a hairdresser.

Tips That Anyone Who Colors Hair At Home Should Know

Do not rush

I know you all want to have platinum blonde hair in 1 day, but you have to be realistic first and then be patient. If you have a dark hair tone, I recommend that you lighten your hair gradually so that your hair does not wear out and do not burn. When you first open your hair, you will see that your hair is not yellow but orange and does not lighten as much as you want, never apply bleach again on the same day, even if this application does not burn your hair, it will definitely reduce your hair quality. After 1 month, when your bottoms come back, apply the lightener only to your bottoms and after 20 minutes (you can set this time yourself.) you can apply the lightener to all your hair. This way you will eventually achieve the light tone you want.

Natural Colors vs. Eye-catching Light Colors

If you have dyed your hair before, you know that dyeing/dyeing hair is difficult, but keeping that hair well-groomed is even more difficult! Platinums, blondes, reds, copper tones etc. Light colors such as light colors are much more difficult to maintain, and your hair tone starts to be very different from what you want with the flow of what is called ‘lacquer’, etc. too hard. So for people who don’t want to mess around, I would definitely recommend more natural colors like browns, blacks, dark auburns. If you have the patience to care for light colors, I would definitely recommend purple shampoo;

Is Your Hair Beginning To Be White? No problem

You started to see grays/whites in your hair and you didn’t like this look? I would definitely recommend you to go for light colors instead of dark colors, specifically yellow, platinum, silver yellow. Why? Because without having to dye all of your hair, you can add light highlights to blend it with your gray/white hair. While the whites show themselves too much on dark hair, it will look like a healthy shine even if it is visible through your light hair. 10/10 feature, let my hair turn white, I will do this technique myself 💖

Your Skin Tone

I’m a fan of everyone getting the hair color they want, if you like it yourself, this color is closed! After deciding on the color of your hair, if you think which tones suit me best, you can learn your skin tone by reading our article below and decide whether it is warmer colors or cooler colors;

Moisturize your hair

Even if you do not apply bleach to your hair, every chemical treatment will tire your hair (if you do not want your hair to get so tired, but if you are going to apply bleach, I suggest you look at Olaplex). So prepare your hair for this situation 1 or 2 days before you start the dyeing process. Coloring/blanching hair will remove almost all the moisture from your hair. Therefore, you can apply any moisturizing mask to your hair. This will both prepare your hair and reduce the damage of the next day’s procedures to your hair. without damaging your hair before it definitely works better if you apply it, at least for my hair this is the case.

Don’t Use Shampoo

Although it may feel a little unclean, when our hair is oiled, it is not only greasy from dirt, there are also some oils that protect our hair, and while shampooing takes away the oils that are dirt, this actually takes away the oils that are the bodyguard of our hair, which can cause you to damage your hair more than normal, especially if you are going to bleach your hair. Therefore, do not shampoo your hair 24 or 48 hours before treatment.

Planning the Process

Before dyeing your hair, plan step by step what you will do in your head, so that while some of your hair is opened, you see a problem on the other side and lose time, while there is no difference in tone in your hair. For example, are you going to dye your hair directly with the bottle or with a brush? Maybe you want a technique using aluminum, maybe you will only do balayage in between, watch the professionals on youtube for all of them and include the most suitable techniques in your plan and start that way.

After Paint Care

What does this mean? Now, we generally think that when we dye our hair, we only have to do (or do) the bottom dye at certain intervals, but in fact, the tone of our dyed hair changes as we wash it. Especially if your hair is blonde, purple shampoo is extremely effective in protecting the tone you like, but you should still dye not only your hair roots but also your hair ends at certain intervals (this is called polish, it’s not a normal dyeing/lightening process, but rather a ‘toner’, just to bring your hair tone to the cold or temperature you want. is used.)

How long should I keep the dye on the hair?

You can find it on the back of the box yes, but my hair never comes out within the specified time. If your hair is very light in color or thin, etc. if not, your hair will not be opened as much as you want in the specified time. So I learned to control my hair like hairdressers. Because of the dye, we can’t see our real hair color and as time passes, we panic and wash our hair early, so that this does not happen, take a lock of your hair and squeeze the dye on it between your two fingers. You will be able to see the actual color of your hair in this way, do not panic.
If you are very afraid of burning your hair, stretch a lock of your hair from the upper part and from the lower part, if your hair is stretching, run to the shower immediately.

Cans of paint etc. Professional products?

In box paints, you usually cannot get the color on the package, there are a few tones different from the color you see. I have never experienced this with professional products. It takes some time and research to understand the products and to know how to do it, but since there are youtube videos and the instructions for use on the products (for example, how much developer to put in the bleaching powder, etc. etc.), I think you can handle it with a little effort, but if the color you are going to paint is not a very complicated color. You can go directly to cans of paint. By the way, I think that professional products are cheaper in terms of money, because if I have to talk about my own hair, there were times when even 4-5 boxes were not enough.

How to Care for Colored Hair at Home?

  • Wash your hair less! The more you wash your hair, the more your hair will flow, and after dyeing, give your hair time to produce its own oil and care for your hair. By the way, let me introduce you to ‘dry shampoo’, if you still don’t use it, it will be your new savior.
  • You may want to reduce the frequency of using shampoo on your hair. Have you ever heard of Low poo or Low Shampoo? If you want to try, you can read our article below;
  • Of course, this does not mean that your hair will be dirty, it just means that you should choose a shampoo suitable for your newly dyed hair (and reduce the frequency of washing). For this, there are many ‘for colored hair’ etc. You may see shampoo on labels such as, but what you really need are shampoos; They are sulfate-free or low-sulphate shampoos.
  • Hair conditioner! No matter how good and high-quality materials are dyed, each hair dries a little after dyeing. That’s why it’s so important to use conditioner and restore the missing moisture in your hair, I suggest you choose a really good moisturizing conditioner for yourself and use it in every shower without skipping it.
  • Avoid the heat! I understand very well that you will want to style your hair immediately after dyeing it. Never apply heat to your hair without using a heat protectant product.
  • Hair masks! If you don’t have a good hair mask in your life right now, you should definitely have it after dyeing, because I said above the importance of moisturizing your hair, but conditioner alone is not enough, so I suggest you find a nice hair mask that you can do 1-2 times a week when you find time. If you want, I can prepare a ‘best’ list on this subject too 💖
  • I recommend that you get used to letting your hair dry on its own. Braiding or making a bun can give you beautiful luscious waves.
  • To swim! yes, I know, you never thought of that, so what’s the relevance of dyeing hair and swimming in the pool, but it’s relevant. The chlorine in the pools can change the color of your hair (usually everyone says it makes your hair green, but I didn’t have such a thing), but more importantly, it makes the dye in your hair flow so fast that all your effort seems to be wasted! Therefore, before entering the pool, you can apply conditioner to your hair and make a bun, and be careful not to touch your hair with water.

If you want a more detailed dyed hair care article, you can write it below, I can write a nice article with the products I like 💖

Is it possible to blow dry newly dyed hair?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. For the health of your hair, you should not do heat-related things to your newly dyed hair. Therefore, before blow-drying, apply a product that will protect your hair from heat and let your hair get a little oily that week, so don’t wash it for at least 3 days. In the meantime, you can use dry shampoo.

Blow dry while dyeing hair

Heat while dyeing hair It will accelerate the opening of the hair, especially in the hair removal process. You can often see that hairdressers do this, but hair dryer while dyeing There is an important point when using it, and that is to distribute the heat evenly. You can see that perm machines are used in hairdressers for this, the blow dryers in the houses are not very suitable for giving equal heat to all your hair, so I do not recommend this to people who will do it at home.

Frequently Asked Questions

✨ Is it possible to blow dry newly dyed hair?

For the health of your hair, you should not do heat-related things to your newly dyed hair. Therefore, before blow-drying, always apply a product that will protect your hair from heat.

✨ Is coconut oil applied to dyed hair?

Yes, although it is extremely difficult and frustrating to remove coconut oil from the hair, it is very good for the hair, especially it meets the moisture need of damaged and dry hair and makes them soft. I would definitely recommend it because it works, even if it’s a bit of a grueling maintenance.

How to soften dyed hair?

Dryness is a chronic problem, especially with bleached hair, you may experience less dryness or more, but even the oiliest haired person faces dryness after some procedures. There are many ways to fix this. You can solve this problem with hair masks, coconut oil / other vegetable oils and shampoo / conditioner you will use, I gave more detailed information in the rest of the article 💖

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