10 boho winter dresses from Sfera perfect to wear with socks and boots +2023

Boho dresses are one of our fetish garments. Whatever the time of year, we have several in our closets because they are that comfortable, romantic, stylish and rejuvenating garment. with which to succeed on different occasions. In winter they become great allies to get all this both to go to the office, as in day-to-day or in plans such as a meal with friends or a shopping spree. That’s why we went shopping and We have listed 10 boho winter dresses from Sfera that are available at El Corte Inglés. Pay attention to what we are going to tell you because if you still do not have onethen we leave you inspiration and some tips so that you have impeccable looks.

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What is boho style?

We remind you what the boho style is. It is a style that became fashionable in the 60s and that has continued with us until today. Of hippie inspiration, it is characterized for its prints, its colors, for the fluid and easy-to-wear garments, and for details such as fringes or embroidery.

How to combine boho style dresses

Boho style dresses allow many possibilities. To finish off the looks of this style, we suggest you do it with boots or ankle boots, the footwear with which it is most identified. As for garments with which to complete the looks, to have a boho set of ten you can wear jackets, cardigans or vests and you will have a spectacular result.

10 winter boho dresses from Sfera

Here we leave you the 10 boho dresses that we have signed in Sfera so that you can get the one you like the most. They come in different shapes, colors, lengths and with different details. so you can choose the one that best suits you.

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