Reviewed & updated: October 19, 2022 by Jamie Wilson BA
Are you a believer in the Christian faith and want to get some Biblical scripture inked on your body? Then these Bible verse tattoos are what you have been looking for.

Bibles and tattoos have a strange relation.
What does the Bible say about tattoos? Is it a sin to get tattoos according to the Bible? A lot of conservative Christians think so.
And they often quote Leviticus 19:28, which says, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord” to support their beliefs. But does the Bible really forbid all Christians to get tattoos? That might not be the case. This Biblical verse is often quoted out of context. The Lord desires for His people not to engage in sorcery and pagan worship and if we look up the verse, we will discover that it is specifically dealing with pagan religious rituals.
So what is the final verdict then? Do religious Christians ‘shall not make’ any tattoo markings on their bodies? Well, it is entirely up to your personal beliefs, but then the son of God, Jesus Christ himself sported one! In Revelation 19:16, it is clearly stated that Jesus Christ had a tattoo on His thigh – “And He has on His robe and His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”
How much is a Bible verse tattoo? Well, the cost of a holy tattoo is as much as a normal one and does not depend on spirituality. Like all other tattoos, the cost of these Bible verse tattoos pretty much depend on the same common factors – size, tattoo design, number of colours used, the expertise of the tattoo artist, and the placement of the tattoo. Sometimes the geographical location also plays a major role. Here is a specially curated list of a wide range of Bible verse tattoos to choose from according to your faith and sense of fashion as well as your personality.
Bible Verse Tattoo On Chest

“Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.”
-Psalm 57:1
This is the new international version of Psalm 57:1 which is another Golden Psalm or Michtam. David uttered these verses as he escaped from the mad King Saul in the cave of Adullam. He had come to the cave all alone and as he escaped from all the near-death terrors, he requested God’s mercy. The urgency was so great that he repeatedly asked for His mercy to show that He was his only hope left. Christians believe that mercy cannot be requested or offered but has to be earned. David wanted God to know that his soul trusted in Him and used the familiar image of a mother bird shielding her younglings from danger with her wings to demonstrate his belief in god. As Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the English preacher had preached, “How can the Lord be unmerciful to a trustful soul? Our faith does not deserve mercy, but it always wins it from the sovereign grace of God when it is sincere.”If you have the same faith in Him, these chest tattoos of Biblical verses are perfect for you.
Bible Verse Tattoo On Wrist

The Psalm 61:2 reads –
“From the end of the earth,
I will cry to You,
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
David has been identified as the author of this psalm and often in Bible we find him in unfavourable situations. He was separated from his father’s flocks and was designated as a musician and bodyguard for King Saul. He was continually sent out to fight battles and even hunted by Saul who feared that he had fallen from God’s favour and replaced by David. This drove him to the point of madness and he tried it out on David. Even after escaping from the mad king, David was plagued by his own sinful desires and other adversaries. Yet, David’s faith in God never faltered. We all face such situations in life where nothing seems to go our way and no matter what we do everything seems to be against us. This Bible verse wrist tattoo will guide us through them all. Coupled with mountains that symbolise divine inspiration, these wrist tattoos of Bible verses will help us overcome all difficult circumstances in life by keeping faith in the glory of God.
Bible Tattoo Verse On ForeArm

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”
-John 3:16
Often described as the most popular Bible verse, this verse from John 3:16 happens to be one of the most widely quoted Bible verses. This famous verse describes the core theme of traditional Christianity simply and has been labelled as the “Gospel in a nutshell”. This verse is akin to a subject line of the Bible and a one-sentence summary of the Gospel. It is presumably the best-known portion of any form of holy text in the history of men and likely to be the most-memorized part of any holy text too. It advocates everyone to believe in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, whom God sacrificed for humanity. Anyone who places their absolute faith in the son of the Lord will be granted eternal life. Verses 16 and 17 demonstrate that the purpose of sending Jesus was our salvation, but Verse 18 reminds us that those who do not believe in Him are condemned. If you are considering getting a tattoo that demonstrates your unblemished faith in Jesus, these forearm tattoos might be the one you are looking for.
The Biblical Verse Tattoo For Women

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”
-Proverbs 31:25
The orthodox Christian believes that there are differences in how men and women approach life. This verse from the Bible advocates women to discard the sins of mortal worlds and love God with all their strength, heart, and soul, as stated in Matthew 22:37 – “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” The word dignity has been defined as ‘the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect’. The verse states that the religious woman is covered in dignity and strength – just as the clothes cover the body. The spiritual woman has found solace in the love of her Lord and the cross from which she derives the power to face all the hurdles of life. These hand tattoos containing the Bible verse is ideal for the orthodox Christian woman getting a tattoo who has undisputable faith in God.
The Bible Verse Tattoo For Gym Freaks

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
-Philippians 4:13
The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians in the form of letters to bishops, deacons, and followers of Jesus in a church at one of the leading cities of Macedonia called Philippi. The Apostle is stating that his faith in the power of Jesus gives him the strength he needs to face life. This verse is commonly misinterpreted as faith in Jesus will help the followers to fulfil any desire, even if it is sinful. However, the verse advocates that the strength of Jesus will help achieve those who have faith in him to attain contentment. These back tattoos are apt if you are a gym freak and an orthodox Christian and positioning them correctly will highlight the verse if you flex those back muscles while showing off to your gym buddies.
Cross Bible Verse Tattoo On Arm

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
-Proverbs 3:5
These Bible verses from the Proverbs 3:5 ask you to place your complete trust in the Lord. Any form of faith advocates for undivided belief in the God(s) and to keep doing it no matter what hardship you face in life. They believe that these hurdles are God’s way of testing your faith and those whose faith remains unwavering even in the face of all these adversities will get ultimately rewarded. These Bible verses demand the Christians to place this amount of faith in Jesus, emphasizing on ‘with all your heart’ meaning there is room for nothing else in your heart other than Him. These arm tattoos go another extra mile by adding the face of Jesus on a cross to highlight your beliefs further. Both the cross and the image of Christ are holy symbolism in Christianity and might be the ideal choice for those getting a religious tattoo as a testament of their faith.
The Biblical Scripture Tattoo On Hand

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.”
-Isaiah 54:17
Contrary to popular belief, these Bible verses do not promise that any traditional Christian or the follower of God will not face any form of attack. It also does not guarantee that your faith will save you from all sorts of suffering, tests, tribulations, and trials. Job 5:7 clearly states that “Yet man is born to trouble, as surely as sparks fly upward.” This means that man is as sure to face hurdles in life just as sparks fly upwards when there is fire. What these Bible verses state is that all forms of attack will fail to prosper in front of your faith, no matter how skilful your adversary proves to be. Your unwavering faith will not only protect you, but God will also see to that the folly of your enemies will manifest to all and will ultimately lead to their destruction. Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Romans, which many consider being the richest theological treatise in Scripture, that, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Therefore, if you are thinking of getting a tattoo that will act as a reminder of your faith in God and the Holy Spirit, these Bible verse tattoos might be just what you have been searching for.
The Sacrificial Bible Verse Tattoo

“I urge you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”
-Romans 12:1
The Book of Romans written by Apostle Paul in the form of letters is rich with theoretical treatise. Even though Paul is an apostle sent by God to preach his verses to men, he is a sinful man who is saved by the grace of God for his unwavering faith. The apostle argues that people of other faith such as the Jews sacrifice animals to please God. But Christians should sacrifice their bodies and lives to Jesus Christ to receive His mercy and grace. God has sent us on this earth with a purpose and we could only achieve eternal life by sacrificing our lives for God’s design and to fulfil His purposes. The Christians should give up seeking their own meaning from life and dedicate themselves to the servitude of the Lord. The only thing that will save us from the wrath of evil and other mortal sins is to commit to our father’s wishes and wait patiently for Him to direct us. The mountains have always been a symbolism of divinity in all Abrahamic religions and coupled with these Bible verses of sacrifice, we might finally achieve the spirituality we have been reckoning with all our lives.
The Angel And The Bible Verse Tattoo

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
-Psalm 34:15
The author of this Biblical passage, David, assures all the followers of God that He watches upon the righteous, meaning those who have unquestionable faith in the Holy Father. His ears are open to all their cries of distress and will provide whatever we need to fight those adverse circumstances. Mathew emphasises this by stating, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.” (Matthew 6:33–34) He is attentive to those who have unwavering loyalty to him as is narrated in the story of Apostle Peter. The tyrant King Herod imprisoned Peter in a dungeon that is heavily guarded by his troops. He planned to execute Peter in the break of dawn. But God did not miss the prayers of his fellow believers who prayed to Him for Peter’s life. He sent an angel to aid Peter who walked past all the soldiers unhurt and was finally reunited with his brethren. Coupled with the angel (a passing reference to the tale), these Biblical verse tattoos are a testimonial of your unwavering belief in the Holy Father and a perfect one represent your hope in the Lord.
The Biblical Command Verse Tattoo

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
-Joshua 1:9
Joshua was promised these Bible verses after Moses, God’s servant, had died. These verses from the Bible act as a reminder to all those followers who recite God’s name, believe in His glory and follow His commands that God is always with them. All He asks for in return is to trust in Him. If Joshua and the people of Israel attempted to conquer the Promised Land all by themselves instead of placing their faith in the Holy Spirit, they would have failed. After Moses’ death, Joshua was leading his people to the Promised Land of Israel. He was asked to be careful and heed all of God’s instructions – “this Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8) All these verses of the Bible simply advocate for you to trust the word of God and act on it. These verse tattoos from the Bible will help you to believe and draw inspiration from God and make you become a better person in the process.
Thus to summarise it all up, Bible verse tattoos can be of several types, each different and meaningful than the other, given the thousands of verses in all the parts of the Bible. You can opt for a Bible verse sleeve tattoo or a simple one-liner from the Corinthians – whatever that showcases your faith in an explicit manner and goes with your personality. Just be sure to check the expertise of the tattoo artist you are going to trust your body with and the Bible verse tattoo fonts to be on the safer side, as tattoos can be expensive investments. Bible verse tattoos have been a classic trend since the inception of tattoos and are deemed to be more of a permanent trend in the world of tattoos. You need to be cautious about the tattoo design you choose and see that you are comfortable with what it signifies and that it is in accordance with what you love. Couple your Bible verses tattoo with mountains, anchors, the image of Jesus, or that of an angel, to give more of aesthetic touch to your tattoo. Other Bible verse tattoo designs you can opt for are –
- Verses from 2 Timothy 1:7 coupled with a dove
- Verses from Proverb 18:16 coupled with an antique camera
- Verses from Psalm 91:4 coupled with colourful feather
- Verses from Jeremiah 29-11 coupled with a minimalistic dove
- The Book of Joshua coupled with Anchor Bible verse tattoo
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