Why am I bloated after a workout?


Why am I bloated after a workout? +2023

Woman holding her stomach because she is bloated after exercise

Have you ever felt or looked bloated after a workout and wondered why? Post-workout bloating isn’t fun, but it’s more common than you might think. In fact, it’s one of several common gastrointestinal issues that can arise during or after exercise. “The incidence of exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms is between 20 and 96 percent,” confirmed the board Samantha NazarethMD, versus POPSUGAR, and these symptoms are particularly common in women and younger people, studies have found. These GI issues can include things like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea — but what causes gas after training, specifically? And most importantly, what can you do to manage and prevent it?

Post-workout bloating often has a lot to do with what and when you ate beforehand, but other factors can also play a role, including hydration, exercise intensity, or even how hard you breathe (yes, really). The good news is that post-workout bloating is common and there are a few simple adjustments you can make to your routine to counteract it. Read on to learn everything you need to know about post-workout bloating and how to treat it.

What causes post-workout bloating?

Post-exercise bloating is common because your body can’t digest food as efficiently during exercise as it can when it’s at rest. “Anything that has to do with digestion is deprioritized when you exercise,” explains Dr. Nazareth. So what specifically could be causing your bloating?

  • Your body digests food. When you exercise, your digestive process (also known as gastric emptying, or the time it takes for food to empty your stomach) slows as your body redirects blood flow to your muscles, explains Dr. Nazareth. Exercise-induced bloating, along with other GI symptoms, is sometimes simply related to this physiological fact, she says. Because of this, you may experience greater GI symptoms, including bloating, if you eat a large or heavy meal within a few hours of your workout. (More on that below.)
  • You swallowed air while exercising. Accidentally introducing air into your stomach, or aerophagia, can cause bloating. “When exercising, this can happen if you breathe heavily through your mouth,” says Dr. Nazareth. You can also experience it if you talk while eating or eat or drink too quickly.
  • You drank a carbonated or sugary sports drink. The carbonation in carbonated sports drinks can cause bloating by introducing gas into the stomach. Artificial sweeteners (like sucralose or sugar alcohols) can also cause bloating, notes Dr. Nazareth.
  • You are dehydrated and/or constipated. Dehydration and fluid loss are common during exercise and are a leading cause of exercise-related GI symptoms, including constipation researchand studies have found that constipation can lead to bloating. In other words, not drinking enough water before or during exercise can lead to constipation and subsequent bloating.
  • you take painkillers Those painkillers you’ve been taking for your sore muscles could be contributing to bloating symptoms. NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, or Aleve can irritate the gut, says Dr. Nazareth, and Cleveland Clinic points out that they can cause bloating, bloating, stomach pain, and other GI issues. These problems usually appear after large doses or frequent use.
  • Your body is not used to intense activity: Whether you’ve just started your fitness journey or are getting back into the swing of things, studies have found that strenuous aerobic exercise can upset the balance of your gut microbiota, which can lead to bloating as well as cramping, nausea and diarrhea.

Post-exercise bloating can also be caused by conditions unrelated to exercise, such as: B. bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (SIBO), digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome or menstrual cramps Cleveland Clinic. If you experience bloating regularly, including after a workout, see a doctor to determine the cause.

How to prevent post-workout bloating

There are a few things you can do to avoid post-workout bloating:

  • Avoid eating a large meal before exercising. Your digestive system isn’t working at full efficiency when you’re exercising, so don’t keep taxing it with a large meal. dr Nazareth recommends avoiding high-calorie, high-fiber, and high-fat meals within two to three hours of a workout because “these categories take the longest time to digest,” she explains. Instead, opt for a small amount of simple carbohydrates like fruit or bread when you need a pre-workout snack.
  • Hydrate, but not too quickly, and avoid carbonation. You should drink water before and during exercise to avoid dehydration, but watch out for carbonated or artificial sports drinks. Be sure to take small sips instead of gulping, which can cause you to choke and feel bloated.
  • Try alternative pain relievers. Frequent use of NSAIDs to treat pain or inflammation can cause your bloating. If this is the case, “talk to your doctor about possible alternatives,” recommends Dr. Nazareth.
  • Build yourself up to intense workouts. Very strenuous exercise can tax your digestive system and cause bloating, especially if you’re not used to exercising at this intensity. “Your body needs time to adjust,” explains Dr. Nazareth. Focus on building strength and endurance over time to avoid nasty GI symptoms (and muscle and joint injuries!).

How to reduce post-workout bloating

If you experience bloating after a workout, the good news is that it should go away quickly. To reduce post-workout bloating, continue to drink water slowly and make sure to stretch and regulate your breathing, says Dr. Nazareth. Creating a relaxation routine, especially after an intense workout, helps your body send a signal that the time of stress is over and allows it to direct blood flow back to deprioritized areas like your digestive system.

If you’ve tried the prevention and reduction tips above but are still experiencing post-exercise bloating, see a doctor to determine the cause of your symptoms and a treatment plan. You should also see a doctor if you experience pain, vomiting, or heartburn during or after exercise.

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