Stop dying your hair: return to your natural hair color with these tips

Stop dying your hair: return to your natural hair color with these tips +2023

Without coloring
Back to natural hair color: 5 tips that really help

Without Dyeing : Going back to natural hair color: 5 tips that really help

© deagreez / Adobe Stock

Let’s be honest – our hair has been through a lot in the course of our lives. We’ve been trying different hair colors since we were teenagers at the latest. From bleaching to highlights to complete coloring, everything was included. But at some point you lose your desire for constantly changing hair colors and suddenly you want nothing more than your own hair color back. We’ll tell you how to do it without re-dyeing.

Stay away from the color

For many, this is probably the hardest step – especially if you have worn a completely different hair color than your natural hair color on your head for years. But logically, the natural hair color only comes to light again when the dyeing is suspended. So that the approach is not so clearly visible during this time, it is advisable to avoid certain hairstyles. Because the rule of thumb for styling when color is growing out is – the tighter the hair is styled, the more noticeable the transition from old to new color will be. To prevent this from happening, beach waves or curls should be used. Because by waving the hair a kind of balayage effect is created.

conceal approach

Anyone who finds it unthinkable to walk around can sit back and relax. Because the right styling is not the only option for hiding hair color growth. As the name suggests, root sprays conceal the color transition in the hair. The sprays, which are mixed with color, can be easily washed out again with a simple hair wash. In the drugstore there are already dozens of sprays in different colors that can be used perfectly for lamination.

Trick with the right care

If the color difference between natural and dyed hair is not too big, you can also use shampoos with semi-permanent color complexes. Depending on the desired intensity, simply massage thoroughly into the hair when washing your hair and wash out after a short exposure time. The color pigments ensure that the hair is very lightly colored – but only for a short time, because the pigments are washed out again with just a few hair washes and therefore do not endanger the process of growing out.

The power of the lemon

Lemons are not only good in our food, but also in our hair – because they have a lightening effect. To do this, simply mix the juice of a lemon with your own shampoo, massage it carefully into your hair and leave it to work for a short time, then rinse thoroughly. But be careful, please do not repeat this procedure too often, because in the long term the scalp and hair will be overly irritated by the lemon. If the natural lightening process is to take place over a longer period of time, it is better to use shampoos or conditioners with lemon extract. They have a similar effect in the long term, but are a lot gentler.

remove residue

If you have dyed your hair regularly, you not only have to contend with artificial color pigments. Residues of chemical substances also remain in the hair over time. And these need to be filtered out with the right care products. Detox shampoos, which free the hair from deposits with regular use, are particularly suitable for this. Replace the conventional shampoo with the detox shampoo a few times a week and really work with the shampoo strand by strand while washing your hair. Then wash the hair thoroughly and massage in a conditioner. This closes the hair structure and protects the hair from new damage. With regular use, our hair looks healthy and shiny again.

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