Make-up artist of the stars reveals: How to achieve the perfect complexion +2023

Make-up artist reveals
The make-up of the top models is so easy

Kendall Jenner also gets her makeup done by Mary Philips.

Kendall Jenner also gets her makeup done by Mary Philips.

© Taylor Hill / Getty Images

The fashion and beauty news of the day in the BRIGITTE ticker: Star make-up artist reveals the right technique for the perfect make-up +++ The perfect eyebrows can now be easily printed.

Current fashion and beauty news in the BRIGITTE ticker:

January 10, 2023

Make-up artist of the stars reveals: The top model complexion is that easy

With clients like Hailey Bieber and Kendall Jenner, Mary Philips is one of the most sought-after make-up artists in the world. Not surprising: The It-Girls are currently more in demand than ever and everything has to be perfect during their performances – including the make-up! To create a perfect yet natural look, Mary uses a very special method that is now being celebrated by thousands of users on Instagram and TikTok.

As Mary Philips explains in her video, she changes the classic flow of the makeup routine. Unlike the regular process, where first with the foundation, then with concealer and finally with blush and bronzer is worked, she reverses the order. Mary starts by contouring the face to mimic the desired bone structure and finishes with just a little bit of makeup to finish the look. This creates a natural look that saves product at the same time. How convenient!

January 9, 2023

L’Oréal Brow Magic: A hand printer now conjures up perfect eyebrows

At war with eyebrow styling? The hairs just don’t want to look like twins and seem more like distant relatives? That could soon change with the launch of L’Oréal at CES 2023. When it comes to high-tech beauty, they are not only on the trail of the perfect eyebrow, but also way ahead of it. The L’Oréal Brow Magic, an electronic hand make-up applicator, prints the brow directly onto the hairs.

With 2,400 tiny nozzles, the new tool conjures up eyebrows in no time at all. As a user, you have the choice between different shapes, volumes and effects, which can be selected via the associated app. With a little swing, the look can then be conjured up independently over the brows. The device is expected to be on the market in 2023. However, it is not yet certain when that will finally happen.

You can find more fashion and beauty news from the last week here.

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