IPL device test 2023: Top 6 models in comparison

IPL device test 2023: Top 6 models in comparison +2023

Looking for an IPL device for home use? Are you wondering whether this works at all and what you should look out for when purchasing? We have summarized the answers to these and other questions for you in our large IPL device test.

IPL devices have become indispensable in the field of permanent hair removal. But what required a visit to the beauty salon for years has long since found its way into the bathroom at home. There are good reasons for it. The trend towards hairy legs and bikini zones will probably not come back any time soon. But treatment by a professional costs money – so it’s worth considering buying an IPL device for yourself at home. However, since these are no bargains, a purchase should be well considered. With our IPL device test we want to support you in your decision and therefore answer the following questions:

IPL device test: This is how we did it

Of course, every woman has different needs and – in this case – requirements for her IPL device. Since we cannot or do not want to speak for everyone, we have tried to put together a good selection that takes into account the (very) different price ranges, but also the equipment and the opinions of previous buyers. Ultimately, you know very well what your wallet has to offer and which criteria are important to you.

Our editorial favourite*:

*You can read below what makes him special.

How does an IPL device work?

An IPL device for hair removal initially sounds like the fulfillment of all wishes when it comes to permanent hair removal: painless, uncomplicated and effective in the long term. The technology behind it works something like this: Since IPL stands for “Intense Pulsed Light” in this case, i.e. “intensively pulsating light”, it quickly becomes clear that a high light frequency is being used here. During the treatment, the IPL device emits light pulses that target the melanin in our body hair. The melanin, i.e. the pigments of our hair, then converts this light into heat and this heat ultimately leads to the hair root becoming desolate. And where there is no hair root, no hair can grow. To put it bluntly: the light destroys the hair root and thus prevents the hair from growing back.

Incidentally, this results in a nice advantage over all other methods of hair removal. The small dark dots that are otherwise visible will sooner or later disappear. After all, these points are the hair and hair roots, which are still under the skin and are waiting for their “appearance”.

Areas of application: Which parts of the body can I treat with an IPL device?

The good news first: IPL devices can basically be used anywhere where there is unwanted hair. Whether on the legs and arms, the armpits, in the intimate area or even on the face – from a purely technical point of view, it can be used. Now comes the catch: Not all devices have the right attachment size or additional attachments to reach ALL places easily. Small attachments help to treat hard-to-reach areas or only small areas such as the chin or upper lip. However, they are unsuitable and rather tedious for treating larger areas. The situation is correspondingly the opposite with very large essays.

You can generally remove all annoying hair with an IPL device – you just have to choose the right device (and attachments) that reach all these parts of the body.

How can the enormous price differences be explained?

Purchasing an IPL device is really not cheap. Especially if you value certain equipment and/or a branded product. As is well known, it does not always have to be a product from well-known companies. In this case, however, it should be noted that the two very popular brands Braun and Philips enjoy a very good reputation. This is certainly also related to her many years of experience in the field of “IPL devices” and the topic of “depilation”. Their respective product lines have been around for many years now and they have regularly released improved versions. The products are always up to date and are usually among the “all-rounders”.

Basically, the price differences can be explained by brand awareness and additional functions. More expensive products, for example, often have additional attachments to better reach individual parts of the body. The intensity of the light pulses sometimes plays a role and also whether they can be individually adjusted or even automatically adjusted by special sensors.

If you don’t want to do without additional extras, you could possibly accept compromises when it comes to “battery or mains plug”. An IPL device with a rechargeable battery offers more possibilities in terms of space, but usually costs more than a mains-powered product.

Which IPL devices offer all the advantages?

As already mentioned, Braun and Philips IPL devices have been very popular for years among people who want to get rid of their annoying body hair. In that case, we would recommend you to take a look at these two models:

“Braun Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137”

With the IPL device “Braun Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137” you really can’t go wrong. With its 400,000 light impulses, your body hair is at the collar. With an additional attachment, you can reach every part of the body quickly and easily. The product also has a SensoAdapt skin tone sensor, which repeatedly records your skin color during treatment and adjusts the intensity of the light pulses again if there are changes. This means that every part of the body can be treated optimally.

“Philips Lumea Prestige BRI949”

The IPL device from Philips also offers you hair removal in a class of its own: a total of four attachments ensure that the “Philips Lumea Prestige BRI949” really every part of the body receives its own appropriate treatment. The Smartskin Sensor automatically determines your skin tone and adjusts the intensity of the light pulses individually. This IPL device has a cable and thus ensures that you can carry out your hair removal at any time.

Which cheaper models are available?

Since a lower price doesn’t always have to indicate poor quality, we don’t want to miss out on introducing you to some cheaper models.

This IPL device seems to be a good alternative to expensive branded products. At least the buyers on Amazon give the Sameriver device a good rating. It also has five different, individually adjustable intensities and two modes of pulse delivery – automatically at regular intervals or manually.

The German company Beurer also has its own IPL device in its range. This is priced in the middle range and scores with a particularly large light area. This accelerates the treatment of larger parts of the body (legs, back, etc.). 250,000 light pulses, six intensity levels and a skin type and contact sensor should do the trick. A plus: that IPL device by Beurer has been clinically tested.

Tip: Would you like to rely on a branded device but not spend quite as much? Then just see if you can find an older model that meets your needs. the “Philips Lumea Advanced BRI921” about offers you many features. However, since the IPL device is older, it costs correspondingly less. Maybe a solution for you?

What should I look out for when buying?

In short: on you and your individual needs. Ask yourself beforehand what is important to you in an IPL device, which parts of the body you want to treat with it, how much money a hair removal device is worth to you. Do you travel a lot and want to take your product with you – does a rechargeable battery make sense?

An important point is whether your hair is actually made for treatment with the IPL device. Unfortunately, the fact is that if you have very light or reddish body hair or dark skin, you will have to find another way of removing your hair. Since the light pulses are based on the contrast between hair and skin, it works better when – ideally – black hair meets very light skin.

How should I prepare my skin for the application and care for it afterwards?

The great thing about hair removal with an IPL device is the fact that it is painless and uncomplicated. This means that there are hardly any problems when used correctly. No razor burn, no ingrown hairs like after an epilation…

You should only pay more attention to these points:

  • One day before each use of the IPL device, you should shave the relevant part of the body thoroughly.
  • Irritated, heavily suntanned skin should not be treated. Tattooed skin is also taboo.
  • We recommend that you schedule your hair removal in the evening. In this way, the relevant area can “recover” undisturbed overnight.
  • Before and between treatments with the IPL device, the hair must not be removed with an epilator or wax. You should also avoid hair removal creams. But shaving is perfectly fine.
  • You should avoid sunbathing or going to the solarium for at least 24 hours.
  • To protect your eyes from the high light intensity, we recommend that you always have a suitable one light protection goggles to wear.

What alternatives are there?

If you are not yet completely convinced of permanent hair removal with an IPL device, then of course you have many other methods to choose from. Shaving is just as painless, but of course more complex. If you want to be left alone from useless hair for a little longer, you can use an epilator or warm wax. This procedure is known to be quite painful. But the result is worth it for many women. What is your favorite type of hair removal? Find out. You can find an overview of the topic “depilation” here.

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